Alex is a writer and songwriter from New York City whose work has been featured in The Iowa Review and The Masters Review, among other publications. His short fiction was a finalist for The 2024 Missouri Review’s Perkoff Prize. A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a Jeffrey G. and Victoria J. Edwards Fellow, he is currently working on a collection of short stories and a novel.

Laura grew up in the mountains of Virginia and now lives and writes in California. A MacDowell fellow, her fiction has appeared in the Southern Review, Denver Quarterly, West Branch, and SLICE, among many others. She is currently at work on a collection of ghost stories and moonlights as a yoga teacher.

Michele Lyn is a Denver-based artist and professor teaching Photography at The University of Colorado Denver’s College of Arts and Media. With an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute, she has exhibited nationally, including an Artist Talk and Exhibition at The Center for Fine Art Photography in 2023. Inspired by her experiences as an identical twin and her love of nature, she spends her free time exploring the outdoors with her 10-year-old daughter, Roxi.

Alex Dezen
Laura Schadler
Art Editor
Michele Lyn
Design & Production
Corrine Shearer

{ About Us }
{ } Co-founded by Alex Dezen and Laura Schadler, Nulla is an independent arts journal published online quarterly and printed annually. We seek the surprising and well-crafted, whether in traditional or experimental styles, that strives for clarity, meaning, and emotional depth. Both emerging and established voices are welcomed. Currently open for submissions. { }